About Enrollment Policies

Enrollment policies determine the workflow that the learner must follow when enrolling in a course or program, if and how they can withdraw, what information, if any, they must provide when enrolling, and the email templates used for notifications relating to their enrollment.

For courses that require a manager to approve a learner’s enrollment, administrators with unrestricted access to the Enrollment Policy Editor can set up an approval-based enrollment policy. When the learner selects Enroll, an email can be sent to their manager (the approver) to either approve the enrollment or deny it. Approval can have multiple steps. For example, first a manager has to approve the enrollment, then the course instructor has to approve it. These steps can happen simultaneously or in sequence, being dependent on the success of the previous step.

If an enrollment policy allows learners to withdraw from an enrolled program or course, your organization may wish to configure an approval process for withdrawals and enforce it via the enrollment policy, particularly in situations where enrollment has been paid for.

Additional Information

Create an Enrollment Policy

About Course Withdrawal

About the Default Enrollment Policy

About Email Templates


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