About Learning Modules

The LMS uses learning modules to define the courses available to learners. Every course is defined by its module and session properties, and you must configure learning modules before you can assign them to course catalogs and learners.

To create and configure learning modules, your user role must have the required access control to the LMS features associated with course administration, such as the Catalog Editor. (For more information, see About System Roles.)

You can administer learning modules in the Manage Center, using the Catalog Editor, or by importing comma-separated values (CSV) formatted files, which you import via the Course and Program CSV Loaders. You can download a template CSV file to help you configure learning modules outside of the LMS.

You can organize learning modules in course catalogs to make them visible to learners, subject to any module- and catalog-specific permissions. Learning modules can also be assigned to learners automatically, according to their enrollment policy.

Additional Information

About Learning Types

Create a Learning Module

Module Properties

About Learning Module Sessions

About Learning Programs

About Importing Courses

About the Course CSV Loader

About the Program CSV Loader


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