Create an Instructor

Catalog administrators can create an instructor and assign to them a learning module they are qualified to teach. After the new instructor has been created, course administrators can assign additional learning modules to them, and schedule events for them, such as a new classroom session. 

The LMS comes with an Instructor role out of the box, which enables access to the functions relating to classroom based training. These include:

Selecting an LMS user to be an instructor does not automatically enable them to access these functions. They must have a primary or additional role that grants access to them (for example, the default Instructor role). User administrators can assign roles to users in the User Editor.

To create an instructor

  1. Go to Manage Center > Learning > Instructors. The Instructors page opens, listing the first 10 instructors by default.
  2. Click + Create Instructor. The Create Instructor dialog opens.
  3. Click the browse icon to select an LMS user to be the instructor. The Instructor selector opens in a new window.
  4. Click the browse icon to select the course that the new instructor is qualified to teach. The Course selector opens in a new window.
  5. Click Create. The instructor is added to the list on the Instructors page.

Additional Information

About Instructors 

Auto-populate Instructors

Edit an Instructor's Qualified Courses

Create an Event

View Event Schedules


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