About XLIFF Import and Export

To support the translation of LMS objects from their primary language to another, the LMS can import and export XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF 2.0) files. Most translation bureaus or outsourced translators have a tool that can read an XLIFF file, so they can input their translations in a target language.

If you outsource translation for the LMS, you can export the following types of object and then import the translated versions:

Administrators with the Import and Export XLIFF files Role Generation Permission (System Roles > Data Access Control) can export and import XLIFF files.

To import and export XLIFF files, go to Manage Center > System > XLIFF Import and Export.


When you export an XLIFF file you select the object's source language, the target language to translate to, and the object type. You can export all objects of the selected type, or select specific instances.

Translatable fields in the source language are generated only if the object's primary bundle is assigned the source language, which means only the primary bundle content is used as the base to translate from. If the language bundle in the target language already contains some defined translations, they are exported as well, otherwise empty values are generated. If the target language bundle is not configured yet, empty values are generated.


The import file can include translated data of multiple objects separated by the file element, with an original attribute reference to the object id. Each file element can be defined with multiple translatable fields. The import process only reads the target value defined in the translatable item and does the update on the language bundle accordingly. If the defined object doesn't contain a language bundle with the defined target language (trgLang), you can select whether to create the language bundle on-the-fly (unrestricted access permission to the object is required).

Additional Information

Import or Export an XLIFF File


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