Import or Export an XLIFF File

Administrators with the Import and Export XLIFF files Role Generation Permission (System Roles > Data Access Control) can export and import XLIFF files.

To import an XLIFF file

  1. Go to Manage Center > System > XLIFF Import and Export. The XLIFF Import/Export page opens.
  2. Select XLIFF Import.
  3. Click Choose File to select the .xlf file to import.
  4. Select the check box if you want the LMS to create any new language bundles found in the XLIFF file.
  5. Select the check box if you want the LMS to reset question status to Work In Progress if new question bundles are created.
  6. Click Import.

To export an XLIFF file

  1. Select XLIFF Import.
  2. Select the source language you want to export for the object or objects.
  3. Select the language you want the source text to be translated to.
  4. Select the type of LMS object to export.
  5. Select whether to export all instances of the object type that have a primary language matching the selected source language, or whether to export specific objects.
  6. Click Export. The .xlf file is saved to your browser's default download location.

Additional Information

About XLIFF Import and Export


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