The tables below describe the session properties which you may need to configure for program sessions. Related session properties are grouped under a descriptive heading.
To access session properties
Table: General Session Properties
Property | Description |
Title | This is the program session ID that was entered on creation of this session. The title is shown in the Course Details and could indicate something unique or descriptive about the session, such as the term or semester and year (although the session dates are also listed in the Course Details). |
Description | Enter a description for the session. This is shown in the Course Details. |
Event Status |
When you create a new session, the Event Status defaults to the status selected in the Default Event/Session Status on Session Creation System Configuration setting. You can change the default Event Status. Other event statuses are:
For more information about setting the Event Status, and additional options for prompting the user to select a session, see Guidelines for Setting the Event Status. |
Change transcript status of enrolled users correspondingly, for changing the event status to Completed, Cancelled or Retired or changing from Prompt User to Select Session to another status |
If this check box is selected, the status on the transcripts of the enrolled learners are updated according to changes in event status. |
Delivery Language | Sessions can be delivered in a specific language you select from the list. For learning modules with more than one session, such as classroom-based courses available in different locations, you can define the learning module as multi-language and specify the delivery language for each session. The languages available are determined by the languages purchased by your organization. |
Time Zone | You can select the time zone in which the session takes place. |
Start Date and End Date | You can specify the start date and time and end date and time for the session. |
Enrollment Begin Date and Enrollment Deadline | To specify a window of time during which learners can enroll in the session, select the begin and deadline dates and times. |
Credits | Specify the credits for the session. |
For program modules with payment configured, enforce payment before first launch | Select this check box to take payment for the learning module before it is launched for the first time. |
Table: Module Completion Deadlines
Property | Description |
On enrollment, calculate deadline as follows |
Select an option to calculate the deadline to complete the learning modules in the program session:
New deadline settings must be explicitly applied to the selected learners in order for the new deadline to be reflected in their transcripts. |
Once the deadline against a transcript has passed |
Select an option:
View Participant Deadlines | Click this link to view the list of participant status and deadlines. Participant deadlines are calculated on enrollment, thus changing the deadline alone will not affect the deadlines for existing course participants. A change in the course completion deadlines can be applied to learner transcripts with the following statuses:
This section lists the learning modules (including other programs) that have been associated with this program. You can remove an association from the learning module's Associated Programs page.
Table: Session Module Assignment
Property | Description |
Modules cannot be accessed until all preceding modules are completed |
Select this check box to enforce the the completion of the assigned learning modules in the order specified. Before a learner can start the next module, their transcript status for the preceding learning module must be any one of:
Allow learner to advance to next order on failing preceding learning | This option is available only when the check box above is selected. You can select this check box to allow learners to advance to the next learning module if they fail the preceding module. |
Hide modules blocked by preceding modules in Learner's Available Modules | This option is available only when the Modules cannot be accessed until all preceding modules are completed option is selected, and takes into account both options above. Select this check box to hide learning modules from the learner until they have either completed the preceding learning module (or failed it, if the option above is selected). |
Program completion requires modules to be on Effective/Approved revision | Select this check box if learners are required to complete the current effective or approved revision of each learning module in the program. |
Modules cannot be accessed until their prerequisites are fulfilled | Select this check box to bypass prerequisite checking for assigned modules during enrollment. The learning module prerequisites will be checked when the learner launches the course. |
Required Credits for Elective Modules | Enter the number credits the learners need to earn to enroll in elective learning modules in the program. |
Use predefined credits | Select this option to award to the participant on completion of the learning module the credits defined in the module's session properties. |
Use credits defined below | Select this option to specify the number of credits to award to participants on completion of the assigned learning modules. You can specify the number of credits for each module individually. This option takes precedence over the number of credits defined in the learning module's session properties. |
Passing Score | You can enter a minimum score for passing the program. If you enter a score, learners will fail the program if they do not achieve the passing score. Leave the the passing score set to 0 disable it. |
If a learner reaches a FAILED or DEADLINE EXPIRED status for a sub-module: |
Allow learner to re-enroll on the module within the context of this program | Enrollment checks like approvals, prerequisites and waitlisting may still apply when the learner re-enrolls. |
Do not allow the learner to re-enroll on the module within the context of this program | Select this option to block learners from re-enrolling in a learning module via the program if their status for it reaches Failed or Deadline Expired. |
Automatically fail this program for the learner if mandatory modules or elective credits requirement can no longer be met | This option is available if the option Do not allow the learner to re-enroll on the module within the context of this program is selected. |
Apply Policy Approval for Non-auto enroll Program Modules | Select this check box to enforce the enrollment policy approval workflow configured for the learning module if learners are not auto-enrolled. |
Table: Collaboration Tools
Property | Description |
Forum | Link a Forum Category or Single Forum to the program session so that the learners and instructors can access the session level forum / category through the Knowledge Center. |
Additional Session Attributes
Assign values to any configured session attributes.
Table: Workflow Assignments
Property | Description |
Select a workflow template | Assign a workflow template to the program session. Workflow Templates are defined in the Assessment Workflow Manager. |
Disable workflow assignment for this session | If checked, all workflow will be ignored for the enrollment of this program session. When a learner enrolls in the program session, the LMS looks for the correct workflow for the enrollment and assigns the exam or evaluation in the workflow to them. It will be accessible to learners from the Overview and Assessment Workflow in the Knowledge Center. |
Additional Information