Create a User Targeting Template

Administrators can use user targeting templates to select users according to specific criteria for various LMS features that target a defined set of users. To use user targeting templates, your user account's system role must have the required User Targeting Template Manager access control setting.

When selecting users to include in a template, you can combine one or more individually selected users with one or more user groups, organizations and roles.

Because organizations can have a hierarchical structure, you can select organizations to include and those to exclude. This enables you to select a parent organization but exclude one or more of its child organizations.

To create a user targeting template

  1. Go to Manage Center > Users > User Targeting Template Manager. The User Targeting Template Manager lists any user targeting templates that you have Read Only or Unrestricted access permission for. 
  2. Click + Create Template. A new blank user targeting template opens.
  3. Enter a unique code and a short, descriptive name for the template.
  4. In the User Targeting Template settings box, select the users to include in the targeting template.

  5. To select users in the Users box, start typing a user's ID or name and select a user from the auto-complete list, or click the browse icon to open the User Selector.

  6. To select users from user groups, organizations and roles, select the criteria from the drop-down list and click Add. A selection box appears.
  7. Click inside the selection box or on its title to select the user groups, roles or organizations to select the users from.
  8. Click Save. The template is added to the list on the User Targeting Templates page. 
  9. To configure the access permissions for a template, select Permissions from its action menu

Additional Information

About User Targeting Templates

User Selector



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