Configure Supervision Access

Administrators can specify who a user supervises in the Supervisor tab in the User Editor. The supervisor user can review and appraise the users they supervise. You can select users to supervise by organization and user group.

When you select organizations and user groups for supervision, the individual users are not listed in the Supervisor tab. The only users who are listed are those for whom the supervisor is a direct appraiser.

To select the users for supervision

  1. Go to Manage Center > Users > Users and locate the target supervisor user.
  2. Click the user's name or select View/Edit Profile from the user's action menu in the Users page. The User Editor opens. 
  3. Select the Supervises tab. If the user is a direct appraiser for any users, they are included in the list of supervised users.
  4.  To add users from an organization, click inside the Organization box. The Organization Selection page opens. Managers can further expand the organizations in order to select their child organizations. 
  5. To add users from a user group, click inside the User Groups box. The User Groups Selector page opens, where you can select one or more user groups to include.
  6. Click the Save icon in the User Editor.

Additional Information

User Visibility

View or Edit a User's Profile


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