Email Parameters

Administrators can add dynamic content to email messages (including the subject) using parameters enclosed in curly braces: {parameter_name}. To insert a parameter into an email message, you select it from the Parameters drop-down list and click Append to Message. To insert a parameter into the subject of an email, you have to insert it in the message first, and then cut and paste it into the Subject field.

There are over 160 parameters you can use to include information about user accounts and enrollments.

Example: the Default Enrollment Confirmation Email

This is the System Default email template that can be automatically sent to participants who have successfully been enrolled in a course.

Dear {participant_name}, This is to confirm your enrollment in {course_title}. If you have any queries, please contact our learning systems administrator ({default_system_approver}). Thank you for your attention.

The {default_system_approver} parameter inserts the name of the Default System Approver specified for the Logical Domain. (The Logical Domain specifies users and settings to use whenever an explicit parameter has not been provided.) Using {default_system_approver} ensures that a learning systems administrator user is included in the email.

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About Email Templates

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