About Email Templates

Administrators can configure the LMS to send email notifications to users when certain events occur, using predefined templates. Email templates specify the message recipients and the message content, which can include parameters that insert user or enrollment-specific information. For example, on successful enrollment in a course, an email can be sent to the participant and to their manager, which can be personalized with their names and the course title.

System Templates and User Templates

The LMS comes with a number of System Default email templates relating to specific events. You can also create your own User Templates for events that do not have a predefined System Template. 

Whenever the LMS is upgraded to a new version, or if an administrator resets the default email template language, the System Default templates are reset, so any changes made to them are lost. Instead of changing any System Default templates, create a copy of the template you want to change and edit the copy. The copy is saved as a User Template.

Some events that can trigger emails have no System Default templates. To enable the LMS to send emails for these events, you can create appropriate email templates for them and then select them in the corresponding System Configuration settings or Enrollment Policy details.

The LMS will send emails only if an email template has been specified for the corresponding event.

Email Recipients

You can configure email templates to have multiple recipients. The following types of recipient can be used in combination:


If your organization has a multi-language LMS implementation, you can configure email templates to be sent to LMS users in their preferred language, as long as it is one of the languages activated for the LMS. After saving a new email template in the default language, you can add other language versions of the email template. The LMS can then check the recipient user's Language setting in their user profile and send the corresponding language version of the email, if one has been created.

Emails sent to external email addresses that you specify in Email Recipients (that is, not for LMS user accounts) can only be sent in the default language in which the email template message was written.

Predefined Messages

When you create a new email template you can select one of the predefined messages and edit it to suite your needs. All of the System Default messages are available to copy into a new message and edit in this way.

Message Parameters

You can add dynamic content to email messages (including the subject) using parameters. This enables you to create a single email for a particular eventa course session, for exampleand substitute information corresponding to that event in place of the parameter. Parameters are enclosed in curly braces: {parameter_name}. Examples include: {course_title}, {session_start_date} and {venue}.

Message Format

You can compose email template messages in plain text or HTML. You can also convertin bulkall email templates between text and HTML Mime types, using the Translate Email to HTML feature.

Email Attachments

You can attach files from the repository to emails, along with a facility map and training center map, if they have been uploaded to the facility or training center for the course or session corresponding to the event that triggers the email. 


You can set the permissions per email template to specify which users and organizations can use or edit the template.


When you open a template in the editor you can see which of the following LMS features use it:

You cannot delete an email template if it is being referenced by any of the features listed above.

Additional Information

Create an Email Template

Search for Email Templates

Edit an Email Template

Copy an Email Template

Add a Language to an Email Template

Reset the Default Email Template Language

Email Parameters



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