Create a Competency Group

You can create a competency group to more easily assign competencies to a job profile.

Administrators with unrestricted access to the Competency Group Editor feature in System Roles (Manage Features > Competency Manager Features) can create competency groups.

To create a competency group

  1. Go to Manage Center > Talent > Competency Models.
  2. Click Groups. The Competency Group Editor opens.
  3. Click the New icon on the Competency Group Editor toolbar. The Create/Edit page opens in the editor.
  4. Click Create competency group. The Create competency group page opens in the editor.
  5. Enter a reference code and name for the group. 
  6. Select from the Competency Catalog drop-down list the competency model to assign the competency group to.
  7. Enter a description for the group, if required.
  8. Select the Active check box to allow the group to be assigned to a job profile.
  9. To award a certification to learners who acquire all of the competencies in the group, click the browse icon to select the certification.
  10. Click the Save icon on the Competency Group Editor toolbar. The group is saved and you can now select the competencies to include in the group.
  11. Click Add competencies to select the competencies to add to the group. You can select multiple competencies.
  12. Click the Save icon on the Competency Group Editor toolbar. The competencies in the group are listed at the bottom of the page.

Additional Information

About Competency Groups

Edit a Competency Group

Delete a Competency Group


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